We blinked and this litter turned 3 weeks!

Nancy and Drew have been so much fun to cuddle with these last few weeks. Gidget has done a great job with these two. Anytime we hold one of these sweet babies, they drift off to sleep within a few minutes since they are well fed and content.

They make little trill noises while they are wobbling around on their whelping mat. We get a kick out of seeing their little temperaments begin to show through. Drew seems to want to voice his opinion about everything and Nancy is such a cuddle bug!

Alayna is constantly asking to hold them and spends a good hour a day in the whelping box with Gidget and her babies. We are trying to soak up as much time as we can with these little ones since they are Gidget’s last litter. I’m so happy that I get one more mini Gidget (Nancy) to love on and spoil. We will miss Gidget’s visits with us. She is a joy to be around!

Looking forward to our next update, their fun stage is just around the corner! We love to socialize our babies and we already have several visits planned. Until then, I hope you all have a great rest of your week!

