“I don’t know what lies around the bend, but I’m going to believe that the best does.” -L. M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

This litter has three sweet girls and two adorable boys. When my daughter and I tried to name them, we went through our list of books that we read this year. One of our top favorites was “Anne of Green Gables.” Alayna helped assign who received which collar color. She gave Anne red (of course), Diana purple, Marilla dark green (because according to her, it matched Marilla’s personality in the book), Matthew yellow (because that character always brought Anne happiness), and Gilbert light green.

Within these first two weeks so much change has quickly happened! Their eyes opened several days early and they are already trying to get around the whelping box to their momma, Misty. They already make little noises when they are held. Diana tries to even sneak out of the whelping area when we are changing out their bedding.

Gilbert likes to walk up to Alayna every morning when she lets Misty out for her morning potty break. He begs for her to cuddle with her. Matthew often follows Gilbert in this morning ritual. Anne likes to zoom as fast as her wobbly legs will let her. If we hold Diana or Marilla for longer than a few minutes, they fall asleep in our laps.

Misty has been taking great care of her babies, we have such wonderful moms in our program! She asks for cuddles and love when we let her out of the whelping area, then she likes to run around the yard. She doesn’t like to stay away from her babies for long, fifteen minutes later she is making her way back in with her puppies.

We look forward to updating everyone on these sweet babies progress in the weeks ahead. We know the current families on their waitlist are excited about them coming home in November. Just like the first few weeks, the next few weeks will be filled with a lot of change ahead and cute little temperaments shining brighter with each day.

