Miss Diana is the last available puppy in Misty and Huck’s fall litter. We have fallen in love with her and we know that her forever family will too!

She is a well balanced puppy. She plays well with her littermates but will often check-in with me to get pets every few minutes. She is often overlooked when around her littermates, because she doesn’t get into too much trouble. Diana comes when she is called and knows to sit for pets and for her dinner. She does a wonderful job entertaining herself, but is a good companion and playmate.

Diana’s Volhard Testing (personality/temperament test) score was a good balance of 3’s and 4’s with a couple of 6’s sprinkled in. Those numbers place her in the Beta category. What is a “Beta?” Betas are the 3rd ranked dog in a pack. They are excellent pets for families! Beta dogs can be very affectionate and loving. If they are raised with children, will make an excellent playmate. Betas make wonderful service dogs, but can also be trained as a therapy dog. Diana will be able to go far if her family is willing to train her, but would also make an excellent pet if she isn’t needed as a service or therapy dog.

Diana can be a bit laid back when she has had good exercise. Because of her easier going temperament, she would do well with both a smaller or larger family. She responds well to loud sounds and doesn’t get too overwhelmed by her environment. When she gets familiar with her settings, she likes to explore and is a curious little puppy.

Diana is on tract to weigh 65 pounds by the time she is full grown. She is the largest female in her litter.

Is Diana right for your family? I would love to get to know you and hear about what you are needing and wanting in a puppy. I will be able to let you know if Diana is a great match for your lifestyle of if you should join a future waitlist. I’m always a quick email away and I’m always happy to talk at length on the phone with my clients who are serous about wanting to adopt from our Parfait Mischen line.


Good afternoon. We’re looking to add another doodle to our family. We currently have a 2 year old female f1b. She’s a great dog. Very smart and affectionate but her hair isn’t great. lol. Her legs and underbelly are soft and plush but her head and back are VERY wool/wirey We’re looking for a loose plush long curl.
The coat you are looking for is how Diana’s coat should turn once she blows her puppy coat. If you would like to talk we can schedule a time through email. 🙂 pmgoldendoodles@gmail.com
What did she score a 6 in on the Volhard Test