After a year and a few months of selling our home on Buffaloway, our new property is beginning to take shape and come together!

When we purchased our 30 acre property, the four acres of field were covered in blackberry bracken and pine. So James has decided to call our property Blackberry Pine Farm, at least for now. We fall more in love with the property as each month rolls by.

This year we are going to attempt to grow our first garden, keep bees, and raise chickens and ducks. For now the dogs and ducks are keeping us busy, but we can’t wait to start growing our own petite farm.

I’ve wanted ducks since James and I were married in 2014. That dream finally became a reality when I purchased our first 5 ducklings. We love them so much! We let them play in their own little pool and watch them dive and scurry around the water. For now, I just have to wait till they get a little older to know which are males and females so I can begin naming them. Then formal introductions will be in order.
