Miss Diana is the last available puppy in Misty and Huck’s fall litter. We have fallen in love with her and we know that her forever family will too! She is a well balanced puppy. She plays well with her littermates but will often check-in with me to get pets every few minutes. She is […]
November 17, 2023
These sweet babies are officially 6 weeks old! This week the puppies have had to adjust to a lot less one-on-one time with their momma, but Misty was ready. Whether they know it or not, they are ready to move on to their next phase too. Several afternoons this week, we spent outdoors. The puppies […]
November 5, 2023
On their fourth week, only four weeks left with us. It always flies by so quickly! Misty’s babies have changed a great deal since their last entry. Teeth have begun to surface and this week they will be trying food for the first time. They are vocal and becoming more confident with each interaction. They […]
October 21, 2023
“I don’t know what lies around the bend, but I’m going to believe that the best does.” -L. M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables This litter has three sweet girls and two adorable boys. When my daughter and I tried to name them, we went through our list of books that we read this year. […]
October 7, 2023